Instructing Efficiency, Inspiring Hope, Initiating Momentum.

This has been my agenda whenever I am in an assignment to add value to a life or lives waiting to listen and get understanding as I speak up my voice be it for their personal leadership advancement or enterprise development. I am simply passionate about connecting people and purpose. #AlonitaDoctor

About Me

Alonita Doctor is an Independent Certified Coach and Speaker with the Maxwell Leadership Certified Team. She specializes in personal high performance coaching, offering one-on-one sessions for goal clarity and accountability. Alonita shares her presentations on SlideShare and has a strong social media presence. Her work focuses on helping clients achieve their goals and overcome limiting paradigms.

Developing With a Passion While Exploring The World.

Alonita Doctor’s key messages revolve around personal growth, leadership, and transformational development. She is passionate about connecting people with their purpose and promoting Corporate Social Responsibility through Capacity Building Measures.

Her work is centered on helping individuals realize their potential and achieve their goals.

Alonita collaborates with leaders in various fields to integrate business, ministry, and transformational development

She also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and situational leadership in her teachings.

What Programs I'm Providing

1. Career Direct Coaching: as Global Career Direct Consultant

2. Enterprise Development Coaching

3. Mastermind Groups

4. Lunch & Learns

5. 1-on-1 Coaching

6. Group Training

7. Workshop Seminars

8. Speaking/Key Notes or Keynote Speaking

What My Clients Says

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Alonita Doctor is simply a wonder woman or a one-woman team whom you can depend upon each time you have an event, however how small or big it is. She is a skilled speaker and networker with solid background in people management and business trainings. You can never be bored with this lady. A woman of God.


Leoncio Bellandro

Your wisdom as a speaker and coach has inspired countless lives. Your guidance and passion ignite transformation. Thank you for being a beacon of empowerment!

Catherine Canet

Your words resonate deeply, like a gentle breeze that stirs the leaves. Your coaching sessions are not just guidance; they’re soul-nourishing conversations. Thank you for being a light of wisdom and compassion.

Romy Reyes

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